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Our writers are continuously working to bring Thinkladder app content that covers as many topics as possible within the human experience. We’d love to give you an opportunity to be a part of our process. Sharing your unique perspective and nuanced experience can assist to inspire empowering Insights for Thinkladder users globally!
A topic that’s floating around our office at the moment is Workplace.
As the world returns to normal, a lot of people are heading back to working in-person. For many this is great news, but for some, the thought of heading back to the office can pull feelings of discomfort to the surface. This has prompted us to create a new theme for the Thinkladder app, that can help to invite peace and clarity to the table. Here are the topics we are specifically exploring right now within the workplace context:
- relationships with colleagues
- finding it hard to be helpful
- sarcasm
Imposter syndrome in the workplace.
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Public speaking in the workplace.
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Sarcasm in the workplace.
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Relationships with colleagues.
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Finding it hard to be helpful at work.
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If there are other topics you would like us to cover, let us know here:
Your Submission Writing Guide
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