
Asking For Help

Try out the Asking for Help Theme in the Thinkladder app here.

We all need a little (or a lot) of help from time to time. Why is it then, that it’s sometimes so hard for us to reach out? 

For many of us, it’s because asking for help means admitting that have weaknesses and limitations, that we’re not perfect and always strong, and that we sometimes don’t know what to do or how to do it. By identifying which limiting beliefs are getting in the way of us asking for help, we can then challenge these ideas, and replace them with more beneficial ones. These beliefs could be something like, ‘I should be able to deal with my own problems,’ or ‘My role is to help others, not to receive others’ help.’

Once we start challenging these ideas with more helpful ones, reaching out to others can start to feel empowering.

Insights from the “Asking for Help” Theme

It is possible to be strong, resourceful, and independent, and still need some help from time-to-time.

Practical steps for building your support network:

Identify your support system: Think about the people in your life who you trust and who may be willing to offer their support. This could be family, friends, colleagues, or professionals.

Practise self-compassion: Treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding that you would offer a friend.

Start small: If you’re not used to asking for help, start with small requests that are easier to manage. As you build confidence in this area, reaching out for support will become less and less intimidating.

Remember that people want to help: Usually, people are happy to offer support when they can. It can be a positive experience for both you and the person offering their support.

Gratitude is your superpower: If you notice yourself apologising or feeling guilty when asking for help, try to replace this habit with gratitude. Expressing gratitude reinforces that asking for help is part of building positive relationships and support systems.

Seek professional support: Consider seeking professional help if you’re struggling to overcome this hurdle. A therapist can assist you to work through these issues and develop healthier patterns of communication and self-care.

Challenge your belief system: Everyone needs support from time to time; it’s not a sign of weakness or failure to ask for help. In fact, it can be a sign of strength to admit that you need assistance. If you find yourself tripping up on your own limiting beliefs, Thinkladder’s ‘Asking For Help’ theme is a helpful tool to incorporate into your wellness routine.

If asking for help is a struggle for you, check out the ‘Asking for Help’ theme.